Wendi and her single buckling. |
Aponee and her buckling. |
Aponee and her doeling. So we have lots of milk now. Wendi only had a single baby although I was just sure she was going to have triplets, as big as she was. So about 4 days after kidding I started milking her out, so she wouldn't get engorged. Aponee just puts out a lot of milk. I haven't started putting the babies away at night, but between the two does, we still get a least a half gallon of milk a day. Ariel, being a first kidder, her kids are plenty able to keep up with her production. I've already froze a probably 5 Leaning Star Winery offers small batches of handcrafted wines. Our winery is located on the outskirts of Gresham, Oregon, a short jaunt to the freeways in all directions. Learn more about Leaning Star Winery or send us an email and contact us. gallons, a friend mentioned paneer and ricotta. Does anyone have any good, simple, quick recipes you'd recommend? |