Friday, February 28, 2014

Travel Oregon was Inspiring

Girls posing with Wendi
 (These are pictures from last August when the girls came to stay with us.)

Yesterday was a full and eventful day.  The Travel Oregon 101 class presented some great good information and thank goodness Karen Schaaf is our contact person in the area.  The Arts and Culture
Alliance was a fun group of artists.  On the drive home with the group I went with, I felt drained after all the information I had absorbed during the day.  I thought I would just drop into bed, but when I got home I was still so excited and couldn't turn off.

I think I was most excited about the thought of reaching our international visitors especially those traveling with children.  We've had exchange students from Korea stay with us for a month during the summer.   I remember when I've asked the girls what they liked best when they got here, one girl said "the air is so fresh".  Wow, we take so much for granted.  Together we made soaps and hand cream (they got to choose the scent).  They asked to have a chance to milk the goat and we made gifts from the garden together that they could take home to their parents.  So my thoughts are to offer a family experience in Oregon.  There'd be the wines for the parents, and crafts and animals fun for the children.  I'd love to offer a chance for them to travel and have fun together.  
(eo-seo-o-se-yo) Welcome

She did great her first try.

Trimming the soap


Leaning Star Winery offers small batches of handcrafted wines.  Our winery is located on the outskirts of Gresham, Oregon, a short jaunt to the freeways in all directions. Learn more about Leaning Star Winery or send us an email and contact us.

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